Solitary Confinement of Mentally Ill Inmates in Oregon's Prisons
In 2015, we went inside the Oregon State Penitentiary unit that houses inmates with severe mental illness. What we found was alarming.
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness

Hospitals Sweeping Patients with Mental Illness into Criminal Justice System
Our 2019 investigative report (“The ‘Unwanteds’: Looking for help, landing in jail”) into trespass arrests at six Portland hospitals revealed that too often the hospitals resorted to having people arrested when they won’t leave.

Multnomah County Jail Detainees in Mental Health Crisis Endure Solitary Confinement, Violence, and Deprivation
In our 2017 report “A Merry Go Round that Never Stops”, we examined jail conditions of people accused of low level offenses and advocate for healthcare and supports.

Banning the Use of Canines to Control Jail Inmates
In the fall of 2018, we issued a report to bring attention to the fact that Columbia County was using canines for this purpose and to call for a statewide ban.