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three people holding up signs, each reads "Opportunity", "access", and "choice"

There are lots of ways you can take action. Share why an issue is important to you, follow us, sign petitions and ask your legislator to support the rights of people with disabilities, and subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay informed.

HB 3835 Hurts Kids! Tell Legislators to Vote “No!”

Sad boy looking away from camera while hugging a teddy bear with text, 'Keep Oregon Kids Safe: If HB 3835 passes, more children and youth will be hurt.'

A bill that guts critical protections of children and teens is quickly moving through an Oregon Legislative Committee. Disability Rights Oregon is shocked HB 3835 has even seen the light of day. It hurts kids, and we need your help to stop it!

The Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) is charged with supporting families and children to keep them safe and healthy. But instead, it’s hoodwinking the public—by trying to pass a bill that limits sexual abuse investigations, weakens laws on seclusion and restraint in schools, and allows the state to house foster youth in homeless shelters.

The truth is DHS is attempting to change the definition of child abuse and drastically limit investigations of abuse and neglect. The House Committee on Early Childhood and Human Services can’t let that happen.

We will be testifying and submitting written comments in opposition of HB 3835, but we also need your help.

How You Can Help

You can also submit written testimony in opposition of HB 3835:

  • Deadline: Saturday, March 22 at 8:00 AM

THANK YOU for standing up for kids and telling legislatures you expect them to do the same!

Protect People with Mental Illness

An uninformed proposal to expand Oregon’s civil commitment statute is disappointingly being presented to legislators by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). As a result, people with disabilities are, once again, faced with being wrongfully institutionalized, denied due process, and forcibly separated from loved ones — all while millions of taxpayer dollars are wasted, and people continue to suffer.

Expanding civil commitment will not solve chronic mental illness, homelessness, drug addiction, or Oregon’s behavioral system.

Is Your Child Still Being Denied Full-Day School? We’d Like to Hear from You!

By now, your school district should have informed you of your child’s increased rights to a full day of school under Senate Bill 819 (2023), a new law that ends all Oregon school districts’ rights to insist on a shortened school day when you object. As of July 2023, your school district is required to return your child to a full day of school within five days, if you object to a shortened school day.

As part of Disability Rights Oregon’s continued efforts to end the illegal and harmful use of shortened school days, we are concerned that some districts may be violating this the requirements of SB 819 (2023).

We would like to hear your story if, after telling your district you object, your child has not been returned to a full day of school. We are especially interested in hearing about problems that may be affecting other children in your district. Thank you!

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