Oregon House Bill 3835 Hurts Kids

Image of a small boy looking sad and away from the camera while hugging a teddy bear with text, 'Keep Oregon Kids Safe; If HB 3835 passes, more children will be hurt.'

Stories of child abuse are common in Oregon.

How can anyone say there is too much investigation of abuse in foster care, or any other state system, right now?!

Our Position

Disability Rights Oregon is shocked House Bill (HB) 3835 has even seen the light of day. It hurts kids and we need your help to stop it.

Some of our specific concerns about this dangerous legislation include:

  • Limits sexual abuse investigations to only incidents accusing a DHS-paid provider. If anyone else in the home hurts a child, it won’t be investigated. 

  • Restricts DHS investigations of all types of abuse when reported outside the central hotline. Shouldn’t all abuse be investigated regardless of how people report it? 

  • Deems illegal seclusion and restraint practices acceptable—unless a child dies or is permanently disfigured. 

  • Removes nearly all independent oversight of DHS, including by juvenile and all other courts. 

  • Allows DHS to send already traumatized kids to unsafe, out-of-state facilities far from family without independent court approval. 

  • Guts Oregon restrictions on seclusion and restraints of all students. 

  • Enables DHS to house foster youth in homeless shelters, regardless of whether their mental and physical health needs are being met. 

We Need Your Help

A young female teenager wearing a red hoodie while looking down and crying.jpg

The Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) is charged with supporting families and children to keep them safe and healthy. But instead, it’s hoodwinking the public—by trying to pass a bill that limits sexual abuse investigations, guts the laws on seclusion and restraint in schools, and allows the state to house foster youth in homeless shelters.  

The truth is DHS is attempting to change the definition of child abuse and drastically limit investigations of abuse and neglect. If HB 3835 passes, more children and youth will be hurt. The House Committee on Early Childhood and Human Services can’t let that happen. 

Chief Sponsors:

  • Representative Nosse (at the request of System of Care Advisory Council, Oregon Department of Human Services)


  • House Committee on Early Childhood and Human Services


HB 3835: Fact-Checking the Oregon Department of Human Services & System of Care Advisory Council


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