A job can give people the opportunity to achieve their dreams. We help empower individuals who are having difficulty getting or keeping a job because of disability-related barriers to protect and assert their rights.
We can provide assistance to people requiring reasonable accommodations to maintain their jobs.
We do not handle failure to hire or termination cases. We help Oregonians with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and have a disability-related employment issue. We assist in eliminating the barriers SSI/SSDI recipients face in their efforts to begin work, or return to work.
We can help recipients of SSI or SSDI with services, benefits or accommodations directly leading to work, including:
Reasonable accommodation requests for the workplace
Reasonable accommodation requests for college, training programs and licenses that lead to work
Other disability-based legal issues that are barriers to employment, such as transportation
Download the text document of the infographic How to Request a Reasonable Accommodation: Work.
Disability Rights Oregon Resources
Client Assistance Program
We help Oregonians seeking or receiving services from Oregon’s Vocational Rehabilitation Office, an Independent Living center, Oregon’s Commission for the Blind, or tribal programs to communicate their needs, aspirations, and point of view to the employment counselors. We help people with applying or appealing a legally improper decision related to vocational rehabilitation, independent living, or employment services.
Understand How Your Government Benefits Could Be Impacted by Working
If you are a Social Security disability beneficiary and would like to know how work may affect your benefits, we can provide information about work incentives to help you make informed decisions about work.