Lawsuit: Protecting People with Disabilities who are Homeless

Everyone deserves the opportunity to live with dignity and security, and we all need a roof over our heads to have opportunities to thrive. But rising costs of rent, groceries, and bills have put a strain on Oregonians. Our social safety nets are broken, and Oregon’s most vulnerable citizens are paying the price — sometimes with their lives. 

Instead of seeking solutions, the City of Grants Pass is cruelly and illegally threatening the lives of homeless residents with disabilities by recent closing of one of its only two sanctioned camps and limiting camping to only overnight. The remaining camp is an overcrowded gravel lot unprotected from harsh winter weather, and lacks basic necessities including drinking water. If people are not able to comply, they could face citations, $75 fines, and 30-day exclusions from the camp.

Without adequate and accessible shelter space available, forcing a person using a wheelchair or someone with a chronic illness to pack and move their belongings daily is not just impossible, it is illegal and inhumane.

This lawsuit against the City of Grants Pass seeks an immediate temporary restraining order to stop the city’s actions. Co-counsel in this case are attorneys from the Oregon Law Center.

Case Documents

Disability Rights Oregon et al. v. City of Grants Pass, No. 25CV05989

Media Coverage


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