Frequently Asked Questions: Wyatt B. v Kotek Settlement Agreement
Get answers to questions about the Wyatt B. v Kotek settlement asked during our joint Listening Sessions with ODHS

Unpacking the Wyatt B. v Kotek Settlement Agreement
We will ensure Oregon transforms its foster care system.

Lawsuit: Foster Care
Wyatt B. v. Kotek
This case is a class action lawsuit filed against the state including Department of Human Services (“DHS”). We decided to file this lawsuit due to DHS’ failure to create a safe foster care system.

Big Win in Court in Our Battle to Fix Oregon's Broken Foster Care System

Big Win in Court in Our Battle to End the Use of Shortened School Days
Snapshot of Oregon’s Foster Care System
Lawsuit: Making Sure Children Attend a Full Day of School
J.N. v. ODE
This federal class action lawsuit was filed to force the state to play a larger role in making sure that school districts are equipped to support children with disabilities in their classrooms.