News & Press
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Disability Rights Oregon upholds the civil rights of people with disabilities to live, work, and engage in the community.
The nonprofit works to transform systems, policies, and practices to give more people the opportunity to reach their full potential. For more than 40 years, the organization has served as Oregon’s Protection and Advocacy System.
Disability Rights Advocates, People with Disabilities File Emergency Lawsuit Against Grants Pass
City Council’s actions on homelessness threaten lives in dead of winter, violate state law
Disability Rights Oregon Files Motion for Contempt Against State for Continuing to Violate 22-Year-Old Permanent Injunction
Oregon out of compliance with federal mandate
while people with mental illness wait, worsen, and die in jail.
Grants Pass Cruel Homeless Camping Policy Discriminates Against People with Disabilities
City currently violating Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Fair Housing Act
Americans with Disability Act Anniversary Webinar Series Launches July 9
34 years of civil rights for people with disabilities to be celebrated with free Lunch and Learn sessions
Settlement Reached in Oregon Foster Care Class-Action Lawsuit
Parties agree to transform system for thousands of children in its care
Media Advisory: Upcoming Trial in Wyatt B. v. Kotek
Trial in Oregon foster care class-action lawsuit begins May 13, 2024 at Wayne Lyman Morse United States Courthouse in Eugene
Disability Rights Oregon Signs Amicus Brief in Landmark Supreme Court Case to Support the Rights of People Who Are Homeless
DRO joins members of Congress, law enforcement, faith-based groups, medical professionals, and academic leaders to urge an end to the criminalization of homelessness
$30 Million Proposed Budget Cuts Disproportionately Harm Students with Disabilities
Speech therapy, assistive technology, and other essential services defunded by Portland Public Schools in FY2025
Landmark Legislative Healthcare Wins for People with Disabilities
Two new laws will increase affordable access to lifesaving treatments and medications while decreasing harmful discrimination
Lawsuit: Washington County Denies People with Mental Illness Equal Access to Emergency Response Services
Current System Violates Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Lawsuit: Woman with Psychiatric Disabilities Sexually Abused for Months, Punished by Prison for Reporting
Coffee Creek Correctional Facility Officers Severely Retaliating in Violation of the U.S. Constitution and Prison Rape Elimination Act
Disability Rights Oregon Applauds Legislature for Ensuring All Children Have Equal Access to Education
Senate Bill 819 Passage Helps End Illegal Practice of Denying Full-Day School
School Board Fighting Equal Access to Education
Powerful administrators spread disinformation about SB 819 while 1,000 children with disabilities fall further behind
Agreement Reached to Help Provide Timely Restoration Treatment
People in jail are receiving court-ordered mental health restoration services more quickly while communities are given increased lead time to coordinate care
Patients and Clinicians Call for Restoration of Hope at the Oregon State Hospital
DRO captured first-person accounts on camera from patients and clinicians regarding the conditions within the State Hospital in a newly released exposé,
Federal Judge Rules for Children, Grants Class Action Status in Foster Care Lawsuit
A federal district court in Oregon ruled today that a lawsuit filed by A Better Childhood, Disability Rights Oregon, and Davis Wright Tremaine on behalf of foster children in the Oregon child welfare system will proceed as a class action lawsuit.
Final Ruling Issued in Employment Case for Oregonians with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
On August 12, 2022, Judge John Acosta of the United States District Court issued a final decision in Lane v Brown, finding that the State had substantially complied with all requirements in the Settlement Agreement and dismissing the case.
Final Hearing Set in Landmark Employment Class Action for Oregonians with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Judge John Acosta of the United States District Court has scheduled a final hearing to determine if the State of Oregon has complied with its obligations under the Settlement Agreement in Lane v. Brown.